Dance Recital 2010

Plan A was to compile a Photobucket slide show that would show off the many photos that I wanted to share.   I then found out that the HSB upgrade doesn’t support Photobucket slide shows, and there’s a new program/ plug-in that I’d need to master in order to post my slide show.    Later for that–literally.    So, here goes, and I’ll try to not post too many photos (though I make no promises).







How much better could life get for this guy?   He had the lead part in this year’s production of Pinnochio, and he turned twelve on the day of the recital.   All day, he heard that familiar chorus, and other well wishes, as he danced mightily in number after number.    I don’t even think he remembered the cake awaiting until much later when we arrived home.





So, what does a young man do after twirling ladies around, being serenaded and then lauded by hundreds of young fans (smile)?   He comes home to celebrate with Spiderman.   After all, he is only 12 years old.


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4 thoughts on “Dance Recital 2010

  1. What wonderful pictures. Ugg! we have to learn a new way of posting slide shows? Boo Hoo! Happy Birthday to your son. Your kids all did a great job.

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